The aim of this project was to explore the properties of wool trough experimenting and getting acquainted with different manufacturing techniques. From these material explorations we generated ideas for applications and finally chose the material property durability to work with.
The durability of wool and its remarkable isolating properties make it a perfect material for wearables. However, with the rise of the fashion industry and the invention of cheaper synthetic fibers, the durability of wool was no longer needed. In our team of four students we took the challenge of giving the woolen sweater a comeback.
Along the process we decided to split the team and work out two concepts. Together with one team member I developed the concept of a sweater with a changing pattern. With the use of conducting garment, thermochromic paint and an Arduino we created a prototype with a programmable pattern.
Team members: Mick Geerits, Matthijs Höfte, Fabienne van der Weiden
"It took some time in the beginning to use the approach of hands on making and explorations, but you managed to throw yourself in. You have showed perseverance in making things work and investigated in the opportunities extensively. You are a clever girl with a good level of abstract thinking and you have worked hard throughout the process." - Simone de Waart (project coach)