I am passionate about finding and structuring information and love to guide people through information that is relevant to them. Therefore, I am most interested in UX design, service design and design research:
I like to puzzle with different elements to provide people with a pleasant journey through information.
I like to help people on their journey to find out what they are looking for. Energizing people through facilitating workshops or teaching activities gives me energy.
I like to find information and present it in such a way that it can be helpful to other people. I love to work with and to create frameworks.
As an educated designer and lifelong soccer player I strongly believe in iteration and interdisciplinary collaboration. That is why I like to work in teams.

With the rapidly developing technology that allows us to and forces us to consume information everywhere we are living in the knowledge era. Consuming all the new information takes quite a lot of energy and can be exhausting. I believe that design is one of the fields that should contribute to a more coherent structure of daily life and is able to structure all the information we get during the day in a more effective and comfortable way.
A design, in which information from the world is structured, is what I call an information product. The information, which is stored into these designs, can be derived by interacting with them. I believe that these designs and interactions with them should be integrated in a seamless way into the daily routine, so that we can most fully command technology without being dominated by it. This is described by Mark Weiser and John Seely Brown with the term Calm Technology: “Technology is encalming when the enhanced peripheral reach increases our knowledge and so our ability to act without increasing information overload.” (Weiser & Brown, 1997, p. 4)
The information, which is stored in an information product, can be derived through a digital or a physical environment. For me it is not important if the information is derived through digital interaction, tangible interaction or both, but that this happens in the most effective and comfortable way. For example, I use embodied interaction and rich interaction (Frens, 2006) as an inspiration to make interaction more enjoyable and better understandable. However, I do not use this as a guiding principle since sometimes a more digital environment is preferred within the context.
Concluding, I believe what should be kept in mind is that society is looking for quality within the quantity of the knowledge era. To capture and structure all the information, an information product could be used as the main structure of the final design and providing ‘quality in quantity’ should be the goal for the final design.
Frens, J. W. (2006). Designing for Rich Interaction: Integrating Form, Interaction, and Function. Eindhoven University of Technology.
Weiser, M., & Brown, J. S. (1997). The Coming Age of Calm Technology. Beyond Calculation. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612-0685-9_6